Monday, August 31, 2009

Monday, August 31, 2009

Today we did some freewriting to help get the creative juices flowing for your college essay, which we will be working on this week. The best part about this assignment is that it is very open-ended and allows for a lot of creativity...essentially, you will be working on polishing a great personal essay.

To begin, I gave you some prompts, which you responded to for five minutes each (the prompts were: 1. Describe a big mistake you've made that you've learned something from; 2. Describe you best quality of character and a time when you demonstrated this quality; 3. Describe an influential person in your life, positive or negative, that has helped shape you or your goals. This can be a person close to you or a writer, musician, celebrity, etc. 4. Describe the best thing that you've ever done for yourself or for someone else.)

Afterwards, we discussed some qualities of a good college essay, and I showed you a power point. We didn't get to finish viewing the power point, so we will do so on Tuesday, when I show you some essay examples. Click below to view it in its entirety.

No homework tonight. If you were absent, respond to each freewriting prompt and view the power point! See me if you have questions.

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