Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Wednesday Web Fun 8/26/09

If you have headphones, Click here to view the Frontline special "Inside the Teenage Brain". You will view all of the chapters. After viewing the full program, respond to the following short (3-5 paragraph) essay prompt. Integrate at least 3 quotes from the film.

How might teachers adapt their techniques to further relate to, or accommodate, the unique nature of the teenage brain? Post your response here.

If you do not have headphones: Read Bill Gates' 11 Rules below, which I found on a teacher friend's blog. Write a paragraph response for each rule. Consider: is the rule reasonable? helpful? do you agree? Disagree? Explain.

Rule 1: Life is not fair - get used to it!
Rule 2 : The world won't care about your self-esteem. The world will expect you to accomplish something BEFORE you feel good about yourself.
Rule 3 : You will NOT make $60,000 a year right out of high school.You won't be a vice-president with a car phone until you earn both.
Rule 4 : If you think your teacher is tough, wait till you get a boss.
Rule 5 : Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity. Your Grandparents had a different word for burger flipping: they called it opportunity.
Rule 6: If you mess up, it's not your parents' fault, so don't whine about your mistakes, learn from them.
Rule 7: Before you were born, your parents weren't as boring as they are now. They got that way from paying your bills, cleaning your clothes and listening to you talk about how cool you thought you were. So before you save the rain forest from the parasites of your parent's generation, try delousing the closet in your own room.
Rule 8: Your school may have done away with winners and losers, but life HAS NOT. In some schools, they have abolished failing grades and they'll give you as MANY TIMES as you want to get the right answer. This doesn't bear the slightest resemblance to ANYTHING in real life.
Rule 9: Life is not divided into semesters. You don't get summers off and very few employers are interested in helping you FIND YOURSELF. Do that on your own time.
Rule 10: Television is NOT real life. In real life people actually have to leave the coffee shop and go to jobs.
Rule 11: Be nice to nerds. Chances are you'll end up working for one.


  1. Bill Gates’ 11 rules P.1
    1. This rule applies to everyone. Life is not fair all the time, but you still have to grow up and get over it. Many things will occur in your life that will not be in your plans or your idea of how you wanted your life, but that’s the key to success keep pushing through. There is always going to be another mountain, you’re always going to want to make it move, doesn’t matter how fast you get there, it’s the climb.
    2. If you are confident in yourself and you don’t care what others think you should be fine in life. Do things for yourself and not for other people. You will always be able to do something your proud of even if you take a step back first.
    3. Take a step at a time, don’t rush things. Give yourself time to grow, no need to rush things yo. To become a business manager you need to be a pest first. So take time through life and experience it all.
    4. Teachers are tough but that’s just to help you out when you become a worker in the real world. Your teacher acts like a boss but they definitely aren’t they prepare you for the real deal. Your boss will not hold your hand and walk you through something, no, they will give you a task and send you on your way.
    5. Don’t take opportunity for granted, even if it means making a sandwich. Take an job your given as a chance to learn. Don’t underestimate it, in the long run you might need the knowledge you learned.
    6. Whining is overrated, don’t be a baby. Suck it up and move forward, don’t just sit there and decide you made a mistake and think life is over. Stand up, put some clothes on, and get your booty back out there in the world. Don’t let your mistakes bring you down and blame it on others.
    7. As you came into your parents life their goals and tasks had to be changed to help support you in every little thing you wanted. Eventually, maybe you will have to take on responsibility yourself, and become a parent. Sacrifices are key to making someone else happy, but still you have to think for yourself some times.
    8. I believe this to be very true; life is not candy and roses, its brutal and tuff. If you fail in the real world, you fail! There is no taking it back or asking for another try, you are called to the office and fired. Try you’re hardest at everything and you should not be one to fail, but one for success.
    9. You become independent in the real world, no more of people sucking up to you. You can’t get breaks off of life, or a change of grades each semester. You go to the same job and do the same work, not getting a chance to start on a new slate. Work through your own problems, though it is not bad to ask friends and family for help.
    10. You can’t believe everything you see on TV. Its very true that people can’t fly and blow up stuff with lasers coming through there eyes. It’s just something to watch and enjoy, not watch and believe that’s how your life could be. Be realistic on your goals.
    11. When your mean to someone always remember in the back of your head that one day you could be working for them, and they will return the favor of making your life hell. This goes back to the saying “treat people the same way you want to be treated.” If you follow this quote, then being nice to nerds shouldn’t be a problem.

  2. Rule 1: I think that this is a very true rule about life. You can’t get everything you want in life and not everyone is fair or nice. That is just the way it is.

    Rule 2: I think that this is a good thing to know because some people don’t like that you are happy for not doing anything, because they don’t see a reason to be happy.

    Rule 3: This is true because you cannot get a high paying job straight out of high school without any prior work in that field. You have to work your way up, just like you did in school.

    Rule 4: This is probably true because I think that since a job is so important to someone, a boss can make an employee do anything, and threaten them that they will lose their jobs.

    Rule 5: This is true because even though you are doing something like flipping burgers you still have a job and you are still earning money, regardless of said profession.

    Rule 6: Also true. Once you are eighteen and out of high school, you are an adult who is responsible for his or her life. You never seen your parents still living with their parents and keep acting like children, because they are adults. Adults have to be responsible for themselves.

    Rule 7: I’m sure that my parents were fun once, but all of that working made them become boring. I think that is true for all adults who were once young, and fun and are now boring, and not fun.

    Rule 8: True, because there are going to be people in a company that are at the top, and there the people at the bottom of the company who clean and serve the people on top.

    Rule 9: I hate to say this, but this is also true. As adults, we will not be able to have time for just relaxing and not doing anything. The only time that you can do that is if you work for five days a week, and have the weekend off.

    Rule 10: Television is totally fake. If television was all real, then we would have a scary place to live in. It is only for entertainment, so sometimes the things on television are faked, just for the sake of getting viewers to watch their show.

    Rule 11: Very true, because nerds understand that they have what it takes to succeed in the real world. They have knowledge, which is very useful in real life. No boss at a company is going to care about how popular you were in high school. That is something that you really can’t put on a resume.

    Posted by: Manny Zozaya

  3. Bill Gates 11 Rules
    Rule 1-
    This statement is very true. Life has a way of making sure you know it too. No matter who you are, at some point along the line, life isn’t fair. Yet there is no point in complaining and asking why because you’ll never really get an answer- that’s just how it goes. You have no choice but to accept it and move on.
    Rule 2-
    While it sounds harsh, this statement has a good point. You don’t get to do nothing and expect to feel good about yourself. High self-esteem comes from accomplishment, which takes work- and until you are willing to put in that work, the rest of the world won’t recognize it or care.
    Rule 3-
    In most cases this is true. However, there are those exceptions for the products of filthy rich parents who simply give them everything they want. While I have no problems with inheriting a share of your parents’ success, I believe everyone should have to earn it.
    Rule 4-
    I’ve heard this many times. From experience, I would say this is a fair statement. At school you can make any number of mistakes and still get a second chance. But when it comes to the business world, it’s all about success and making a profit- if you screw up, you no longer have a job and no one feels sorry for you.
    Rule 5-
    I agree with this statement. A job flipping burgers- while not very glamorous or exciting- is still a job. It’s a way to get some real world experience and make your own money. Even though it may seem like tedious work at the time, when you get your paycheck, you appreciate it a whole lot more.
    Rule 6-
    This statement- while we all hate to admit it- is very true. We all make our own mistakes- there’s no way around it. But whining about it and thinking it’s your parents fault won’t fix anything- it may even make things worse. To accept what you did and learn from your mistakes is how you move up in life.
    Rule 7-
    I’m sorry but I don’t think I can agree with this one. I’m sure my parents used to find ways to go out and have fun and get in trouble before they had me- hell they still do- but their idea of excitement and mine are very different. I think that’s just what happens as times change.
    Rule 8-
    I couldn’t agree more. Schools don’t want anyone to feel like a failure so they will continuously let you try again. Once you hit the real world everything changes and your false sense of security disappears. People will no longer hold your hand to make sure you do well. If you fail, you lose- simple as that.
    Rule 9-
    This also comes as a bit of a reality check to most people. They think once summer comes it’s all good and you’re free to relax- just because schools stop, doesn’t mean the rest of the world does with it. Jobs won’t baby you and try to make sure you’re okay- you work for them, not the other way around.
    Rule 10-
    This is kind of funny to me. My parents tell me this all the time. While there is “Reality TV”, even that’s not real. TV is over dramatized to make things more entertaining because in reality work and school and family in everyday life aren’t very exciting.
    Rule 11-
    While I hear this all the time and subconsciously know it’s probably true, I’d rather not accept it. I find it pretty depressing to think that those nerdy people whose best friends in life are their books are the ones who will do the best in life. I’m more the kind of person who wants to go out and live life to the fullest each day. While I think education is important, I don’t think you have to be a nerd to get somewhere in life.
    -Cynthia Gardner

  4. Period 1 Responses

    1. I strongly agree that life is not fair. Everyone would also agree with me that it wasn’t because there is no such thing as perfection. If life was perfect or even close to it than we would live a very boring life of not learning anything about life, and the vicious cycle that it leads.
    2. I really don’t understand this rule. If people don’t care about our self esteem than why would we make a big deal about it? It must depend on what your self esteem is when you are trying to get a job.
    3. This is one rule that I wish a lot more other high school students would follow. I think it depends on how well you do in school, and also how well your parents do, but you are still not going to be rich coming out of high school. And if you already are than it will come back around and get you because the most successful people in the world earned it, not come on it by luck.
    4. I also agree with this rule as well. You are not making money for your teachers, but you are going to have to do that for your boss. Your boss is not going to give you a second chance, but you will have many opportunities to do that in school so you wont have to in the future.
    5. Well back when our grandparents were our age it might have been easier to get a job, but this is true for everyone. Everyone will or already has made a con about their job now or a job they had, but they don’t see that it will help them in the future. So they are already a step ahead of everyone.
    6. I agree because once you reach a certain age you have to know what is right from wrong. It is good to ask your parents for their advice if you don’t know the right answer, but if you don’t and you mess up it’s not their fault, it’s yours.
    7. I also agree. Just try to do things that a teenager should do and wait until you are more mature to try to do things that adults were meant to do. You can have those dreams, but wait until you are able to achieve them, and if you are able to than do it. There is no age limit to being a dream follower.
    8. Life will not give you second chances, but school will. There will always be people in your way, and you must be the mature one and step up to what you want to do. Be your own leader and not a follower.
    9. Most people don’t care what’s going on in your life because they are too busy with theirs. Just take a break once in a while to think. I disagree that no one wants to listen because anyone you trust is going to be there for you and help you with a problem.
    I think that Bill Gates wrote that was because he didn’t really have anyone to talk to or didn’t have the courage to talk to anyone. Just because something happened to you in the past does not mean it’s true for everyone.
    10. I agree that television isn’t real life, but everyone wants that happy ending. The truth is, is that there are rarely any happy endings. If you are a good person and do what you are supposed to than that’s as close to a happy ending that you are going to get, because you deserved it.
    11. I strongly agree with this because it’s true. This is the only rule that I 100% agree on because it’s just what comes around goes around. They are the kind of people who will do well because they care about school, and how much they can get out of it.

    By: Valerie Cruz

  5. Rule 1
    I agree with life is not fair but you have to get over it. Even though things do not seem fair you have to move on because if you don’t you will just let things pass you by that could have benefited you.
    Rule 2
    This rule is true because if you don’t do anything you will not get anywhere in life so you have to work to accomplish what you want in life and people expect you to do so.
    Rule 3
    You can’t expect to be on top of the world when you are just starting out you have to work your way up and prove that you deserve to be on top and that it wasn’t just handed to you.
    Rule 4
    I strongly agree with this rule because your teacher will let you turn in things late and will let you retake tests but when you are out in the real world and have a boss they are not going to be as easy. If you don’t get something in on time they are not going to let you turn it in late or they are not going to let you retake a test you failed they might just fire you.
    Rule 5
    You have to start small and work your way up. Flipping burgers might seem dumb at the time but you never know what opportunity it could bring with it.
    Rule 6
    I agree with this rule because your parents didn’t make your mistake you did so you must learn from them so you won’t make the same mistakes again.
    Rule 7
    Someday all of us will probably be like that because it is true your parents are so worried about raising you and taking of you they don’t have time for themselves and to do what they want to do. Before us they didn’t have to worry about any of that and could do what they wanted to do.
    Rule 8
    I agree with this rule because out in the real world when you have a job and responsibilities you don’t have second chances. You either get it right the first time or you are fired.
    Rule 9
    We have it easy right now in school but once we get a job we won’t have all this time off and you and have to find yourself all by yourself. You won’t have people guiding you you will have to decide what is best for you with no one really helping you out.
    Rule 10
    This rule is very true. In movies and in TV shows they only show the good part of life and they don’t show what you have to do to get there. They don’t show that you have to have a job to have money and they don’t show that you actually have to work to reach your dreams they are not just handed to you.
    Rule 11
    Even though nerds might seem weird now they are the ones getting good grades and they will be the ones that will do whatever it takes to reach their goals unlike many of the more popular people in school.
    Lindsay Neal

  6. Response to Inside the Teenage Brain :
    Most teenagers don’t even know why they do what they do sometimes. Most of the time they don’t think before they talk and after they say what they do, they notice that it came out wrong and isn’t what they meant to say at all. It’s just the way of a teenagers mind and how it works. The only way many scientist that study the way a teenage brain works, say “It’s like another body has entered theirs or totally different brain.”
    Many believe the way to think of how a teenager acts is that the fits they throw are just like the ones that a baby would. Babies and teens are alike in many of ways. For example in how they grow, brain, bones, and mind. A baby has a similar growth spurt in their brain that a teenager has. This proves mainly that’s the reason why they are so confused and forgetful. Also like babies, teens learn the most at that age and get overwhelmed, also another reason for their behavior.
    Teenagers like to take high risks, even though they could be smarter and not take the chance of getting hurt, but they want that rush if excitement. When the teens brain is most delicate is when teens experiment things that could badly damage what trying to become stronger. Drugs will slow down the growth of the brain. “The drugs may not just be effecting their brains for just that night or that weekend but for the next 80 years of their life.” All teens are trying to do is put together the pieces the best way they know how. The mood swings are caused by hormones in the teenagers body. Mood swings are one of the main side effects of being a teen. Also comes along with the feelings of being isolated, lonely, push aside, insecure, and confusion. They main point is that teenagers don’t know what they want or how they feel.
    Tasha B.
    Period 1

  7. Austin Dyche

    Rule 1- I agree with this statement because this is very true for the real world in everyday life. Instead of trying to get everything to be fair you just have to suck it up and move on with your life. This rule is very helpful in life because if you remember this then you will be able to just move on in life instead of being stuck on the same thing.
    Rule 2- This rule is very reasonable because the rest of the world won’t be there to hold your hand in life. No matter how bad your feeling about yourself they will expect you to get things done in the same amount of time as when your feel good. I definitely agree with this because you shouldn’t expect to get less done when you don’t feel good about yourself, there is plenty of time to do that later.
    Rule 3- This is very reasonable because in order to earn money in life you have to graduate from high school. So if you think you can make over 60,000 dollars out of high school without completing both you cannot do that. I strongly agree with this because even though you may not make 60,000 out of high school it’s very important to finish high school so then you can make more than that later in life.
    Rule 4- This rule is reasonable because bosses don’t give you re-takes like teachers do, if you fail then you don’t get to try again; you are stuck with the failure. Your teachers don’t fire you in school for doing something wrong, but your boss will have no problems doing that. I agree with this because this is very true for real life and it will always be this way.
    Rule 5- I think that this rule is very reasonable because you might think that flipping burgers is a low thing to do, but your grandparents being very wise see it as a stepping stone to greater things in life. I agree with this because burger flipping may not be the greatest thing in life but its better than just sitting around and doing nothing, it can teach you hard work and determination.
    Rule 6- This rule is very reasonable because most when most teens in life fail or do something wrong they blame it on their parents because they don’t like taking the fall for things they do. I agree with this and think it is very helpful because if you learn from your mistakes then that will; make you grow in life and go further than others you don’t learn.

    Rule 7- This is reasonable because in life people look at the way bigger problems rather then the small problems. But the small problems have the same affect on life as all of the big problems. I agree with this because if you try to correct all the small things in your life then you will be able to focus on the bigger things.
    Rule 8- I really think this is reasonable because this is how real life works. School does not prepare you for real life at all. I strongly agree with this because in life you get one chance to do things right, not as many as it takes until you get it right. This is a very helpful thing to remember to get through life better.
    Rule 9- I think is completely reasonable because in life you don’t get a lot of time off you just keep going until retirement. You don’t look forward to summer break or the new semester for grades to start over, you just keep on going through the whole year and keep treating every day the same.
    Rule 10- I think this is reasonable because in life you actually have to go out and do something rather than just sitting around watching TV, you will accomplish a lot more this way and it’s the only way to actually accomplish things in life. I agree with this saying because you can’t sit around all you life and expect to get taken care of, you have to do things for yourself.
    Rule 11-I think this is reasonable because this is something that people have heard a lot. The nerds tend to be more successful then the people that make fun of them. I agree with this because if your nice to them, then later down the road your job will be a lot easier because they will remember that you didn’t make fun of them. This will really help you later in life.

  8. Bill Gates’ 11 Rules
    1. I agree with this rule in seeing that you never always get what you want, and things don’t always work out the way you want. In return, you have to “get used to it” since life is full with imperfections and there’s no changing that completely. There are rules and expectations throughout everybody’s life that are anticipated to be followed, and they’re not always what one wants, which makes “life unfair”.

    2. I believe that by this rule, Bill Gates is stating that it takes work and effort to get where you want and in the process, your self-esteem grows with the success you make and you can’t accomplish that success without working towards it, building your self-esteem. I do agree with this rule in that it takes effort to work towards the goal you’re trying to reach. I don’t agree that the world doesn’t care about your self-esteem because in several different situations. Some tend to rip apart one’s self esteem, while others try to build it.

    3. I agree with this rule because stating that you won’t make $60,000 right out of high school or become a vise president with a car phone, because both of those are goals that are particularly hard to accomplish that take years of working towards; nothing is handed to you, you work for what you want to accomplish.

    4. I think that this rule is correct in stating that the level a boss is on is above one’s of a teacher. In that, I think that he means when in school. People believe they have it quite hard and are fed up with all the rules and expectations they have to follow. In the work world, it’s different because bosses don’t take slack from their workers and the rules they have are much more than those a teacher has.

    5. In this rule, Bill Gates states that “Grandparents had a different word for burger flipping: they called it opportunity.” I agree with this in that a small, under paying job as such should not be looked at as dignifying, but as opportunity in working, earning money, and learning how to work in the real world.

    6. Bill Gates is completely right, to me, in this rule by stating that “it's not your parents' fault, so don't whine about your mistakes, learn from them.” I believe that the actions you make are completely in your own control and by blaming it on others, shows irresponsibility and a resist in maturity. Nobody controls you, but you, so the actions you decide to make are based on you and only you.

    7. By this, I think that Bill Gates is trying to say that instead of by complaining in how “un-hip” and boring your parents are, you should be thanking and respecting what your parents do for you on a regular basis. I agree with this because I believe that your parents do everything they can for you in a mature manner. So you in return should show respect and not base opinions on them according to how they dress or act.

    8. In this rule, Gates is stating that what some schools have changed and transformed to do not relate whatsoever to real life, because in real life, there’s no room for failure or “losers”. I agree with this because school is supposed to prepare you for the reality of life in the future and when there’s room for both winners and losers, there’s no room for preparing for what’s supposed to come in the future.

    9. By this rule, I think Gates is trying to state that when it comes to reality, there are no breaks and people don’t care if you’ve found yourself or not; it’s based on time, effort, and success. Again, from this, I feel as if Bill Gates doesn’t think school prepares the actuality of reality.

    10. I agree with this because you can’t see the reality of life on TV, but when you’re experiencing it yourself. There’s no way to actually think you’re seeing reality until you’re standing in it.

    11. I don’t agree with this. I feel that not only should you be nice to nerds, but you should be nice to everybody, because it will do you good in the future. Not all nerds become successful, but no matter what, you should be nice to any and everybody.

  9. 1. This rule is reasonable but it doesn’t apply to everyday life. Life isn’t always not fair, but this rule is a helpful thing to consider. I don’t agree because there are times when life is fair and that’s something you can get used to. Life won’t be fair if you make it that way though.
    2. This rule really doesn’t make sense to me. I understand what Bill Gates was saying and what he meant but I don’t agree with it. I think this rule is not reasonable because you have to have self esteem and believe in yourself to accomplish something. It’s helpful because it’s a bit harsh and not true but I think if you really follow and believe these rules it will prepare you for the world.
    3. To my understanding what Gates was trying to convey is that you can’t have too high of expectations and that everything you will get in life you must work for. I agree with this rule because I believe that you have to work hard and earn everything you’ll get in life and everywhere you will go. This rule is also helpful because it’s a good lesson to learn.
    4. This rule is reasonable but I do not agree with it. I think your boss and your teacher are pretty much the same. Both tell you what to do and whether you do it or not they don’t care, the only difference is that your boss can fire you and your teacher just has to put up with you. It is a reasonable rule but again I do not agree with it, it actually annoys me when I hear it because I don’t think the difference between the two is a big deal.
    5. This rule is reasonable and I do agree with it. It’s a nice comparison between burger flipping and opportunity. To me its saying that nothing is beneath you and if you have the chance to take up a burger flipping job (lol) then take it because it’s an opportunity and you should take it and not complain. It is a very helpful rule to consider.
    6. From what I am getting from this rule what Gates is saying is that instead of blaming other people for your mistakes learn from them. As well as instead of sitting there wallowing in misery and feeling sorry for yourself, you should suck it up and learn from it. I do agree with this rule because it makes sense to me and I understand it and I think it makes perfect sense. This rule is also very helpful advice.
    7. I don’t know about your parents but my parents are awesome and aren’t boring. Haha. I think parents are still fun, at moments, there just always under the stress you put them through so instead of trying to push them away and blame them for things worry about yourself. As well as reconsider how much you might take advantage of them. This quote is very helpful and I agree with it.
    8. True. When you’re young schools and teachers don’t want to crush your dreams and call you a loser so they give you chance after chance but real life doesn’t. At moments you’re a loser and you suck at life, and that’s just too bad you can’t take it back and re-do it.
    9. I agree. You can’t stay focused for one semester than slack off in the next. You have to make goals and go through with them because life isn’t made into sections and time periods it goes on whether your along for the ride or not. You either drag behind in the dust or hop on and hold on.
    10. I love this rule it’s so true. Reality T.V. is wakkk and overrated. It shows you nothing and your learn nothing, so don’t try to watch it and learn something from it because trust me they stick to a script and real life has no script.
    11. This rule kind of relates to don’t judge a book by its cover or be nice to everyone because what goes around comes around. Nerds are smart and yeah one day you might work for them but either way there normal living human beings like you, your just better looking and their only smarter. :)

  10. Rule 1: This rule honestly applies to everyone. You’re not always going to get what you want when you want it. Some people may get luckier than others with how things turn out, but something will always be unfair for them. Whether it be getting the job, making the team, or grades in school. This rule will eventually happen to everyone.

    Rule 2: I agree with this rule, but I also believe it shouldn’t be the base of everyone’s beliefs. You don’t want to always do things only for yourself, because sometimes you’ll need someone’s help, or they’ll need yours. And if neither of them are there only doing things for themselves, then neither of them will accomplish what they wanted to.

    Rule 3: This rule is true because if you rush everything and take it all on at once you won’t do as well as you could. Things will begin to pile up, and become overwhelming. You will become stressed and unhappy and you won’t be able to experience life to its fullest.

    Rule 4: Teachers, are like bosses, but it is true that bosses wont hold your hand and walk you through the assignment. Because that’s not their job. Their job is to give you the assignment and make sure that it gets done, your job is to do it.

    Rule 5: Taking a job or taking any opportunity to try new things could always help. You honestly wont know when or if the skill will come in handy. Doing the job will benefit you more than not doing it, because when the time comes that you need the skill and you don’t have it, and you know you had the opportunity to learn, well then that’s on you.

    Rule 6: Letting your mistakes bring you down can honestly only hurt. Yes its much easier said than done, but once it has been done, I guarantee you’ll feel better about yourself and your outlook on life will grow and you’ll become a better person overall.

    Rule 7: Again, always thinking for yourself won’t make you a better person, or even make you as happy as you could be. I agree that you need to look out for yourself and make sure you know what you’re doing before you help others, but a big responsibility is being able to help someone else if you’ve been through the same bump.

    Rule 8: half this rule may be true because yes when you fail in real life you fail, but life is not always brutal, its not always tough. Sure there will be a lot of tough parts, and a lot of brutal parts, but there are also tons and tons of amazing parts with candy and flowers. You just need to experience it all.

    Rule 9: You just have to work hard at everything you do to succeed. Just think there’s always going to be someone else out there working for the position you are working for, or the position you’re in. you’re going to have to work twice as hard as them.

    Rule 10: yes you need to be realistic with your goals, but also maybe be a little unrealistic sometimes. You need something to strive for, so if you know you’re not the smartest kid in class so you set your goals at a C. then you’re going to act like you’re going to get a C. if you set your goals at an A, then well you’ll do better and hopefully achieve the A. set your goals as superman, and you’ll be superman. May be not with the lasers and flying, but it’s something to shoot for.

    Rule 11: I agree with this rule, but the “treat others the way you want to be treated” statement, honestly only works when both the people are following that rule. If you’re being nice to someone, and they turn around and treat you like crap, well then there you go. Life’s not fair right?

  11. 1. I think life isn’t fair. In life if you work for IT, it being whatever you wants, need, or long for, you can get it. There is going to be problems along the way, not fair. Everyone doesn’t look out for everyone so you have to earn your own. It has been this way for ever and should stay that way.
    2. Just because things are hard or people don’t “like” you. You should go out and do what you want and not care what anyone thinks. You are in control of your life so make the best out of it.
    3. I agree with this one that you have to earn what you get, but some people do get lucky and end up finding some way to become rich quick, but for the most part you have to work at the things you want in life. You start at the bottom just like everyone else and you have to earn your way up.
    4. Teachers for the most part are there to help you get through and be able to succeed after school. Bosses need their work to be done right, fast, and effective so that their business can do well, the boss has the power to choose who works for him and if they stay or not. So you have to be on top of your job to make it.
    5. Just because a certain type of work isn’t “cool” doesn’t change anything. It’s Work! Finding a job isn’t so easy so take what you can get. Back in the day people would have been proud to flip burgers or do any work that was offered to them.
    6. Don’t blame other people if you mess up. You messed up deal with it and move on. No one is going to care if you got fired at your job besides the people close to you feeling bad for you. You are the one who has to put in the effort to get back on track. Also to make sure you don’t do that same problem again in the future.
    7. You should always have respect for your parents or the ones that raised you. To think that they are “lame” isn’t going to help you or your parents. The people that grace you help through your life didn’t have to, the wanted to. That was choice. They stuck out their neck for you so what have you done?
    8. School is to help you with life. You mess up the give you another shot, so that when the time comes after school you hopefully will do the right thing. You should never except that you are going to get another lease on life. You only have one so do as much as you can to make your own and only chance the right one.
    9. Earn your own; this rule is just about the same as all the others. People don’t have to help you with life. You need to lear4n how to fend for yourself and help yourself. I also think bill Gates has too much time to make a repetitive list like this, its gets old QUICK.
    10. You can fantasize, but most likely you’ll never get anywhere buy just thinking how nice it would be to have this or be like that. Go out and get what you want and get. TV is made to be interesting not inspiriting.
    11. The more you learn the more you are going to know then the other people out there who think things in life are just giving to them. Bill Gates is one of the richest nerds.

  12. Rule 1: I think that this opinion is completely true. You will never be given things that are or seem fair to you. You don’t always get what you want and never will until you realize how hard you have to work to actually get the things you really want.
    Rule 2: I also think this is true because the world doesn’t care about your self-esteem you are the one who has to make yourself feel good. When you don’t feel good about something or yourself it’s your problem no one else’s you would be expected to take care of that yourself.
    Rule 3: This is also true you have to work even harder at college if you would like to earn 60,000 a year. You have to work at getting into college and doing the work before you have a chance to work a good job with great pay. It won’t come automatically right off the bat.
    Rule 4: When you have a teacher she/he might often give you more than one opportunity for you to do your work, get on task, or turn something in. But, when you have a boss he will probably give you one chance. Two if he’s a really nice boss to get something done or to get your act straight before you’re fired and left without a job.
    Rule 5: You have to take every opportunity that comes to you. Just because your flipping burgers doesn’t mean it’s a bad thing. If you’re too embarrassed or ashamed of someone you know seeing you work there then quit the job. Chances are someone else would be glad to take your place.
    Rule 6: This is true. You can’t always go blaming other people for what you do wrong. You have to take credit and responsibility towards your actions and blame the finger upon yourself before you accuse someone else.
    Rule 7: Your parents are probably what give you everything or most of the stuff you have. You should appreciate what they do for you. Without them you’re paying for your full car bill, rent, electricity, food, and everything else. You wouldn’t be able to pay all this especially if your unemployed or working at a fast food joint.
    Rule 8: In real life you get one or two chances once you mess up those chances everything turns on you. You’re not handed more chances so easily. You can’t expect for people to let you do something over and over until you get it right. Your life isn’t a movie there is no rewind button. Your expected to do things right the first time.
    Rule 9: This is true. You can’t always expect life to be fun or full of parties. Instead of slacking off and go having fun we should grow up and deal with things instead of putting them off. Everyone already has enough on their hands. No one wants a procrastinator.
    Rule 10: Everyone should stop thinking that life is hard. For most of us, real life hasn’t even started yet. You have to actually have a steady career and never miss work if you want to advance in the company.
    Rule 11: Nerds are the people who rule the world. They are the ones with the ideas, money, and everything else you would want. While you are working for them they are sitting down at their house probably doing nothing at all, still getting paid. While you had fun in school they were studying and learning. Now that they’re the boss, they can have fun and party while you work for them and give them more money in their bank accounts.

  13. Deven Rucker
    1. –Agree-Life isn’t fair and we do have to deal with it nothing is going to come easy to us it’s not easy in the real world. People suffer every day because they thought it was going to be easy after high school. But it is their fault because they should have expected it.
    2. –Disagree-I do not agree with this because if you want to do something right and you like what you did for it you should feel good about what you accomplished. It doesn’t matter what the world thinks it only matters what you think.
    3. –Agree-I agree you won’t come out of high school making lots of money or having very nice things unless people are taking care of you. Life is not easy people need to work for their keep and earn things and not have it handed to them.
    4. –Agree-Teachers are way nicer then bosses they help you and give you what you need to do your job in school. But bosses tell you do this or your done and then you’re out of a job not making any money and fighting to get a new job.
    5. –Agree-Flipping burgers is an ok job we shouldn’t be doing it when we are in our twenties. We should be in college getting an education so when you get out you’re not getting paid minimum wage. People should have bigger ideas then working in a fast food restraint.
    6. –Agree-If you do mess up don’t whine to your parents because what do you expect them to do take care of you until your 30. People need to take responsibility for themselves and their own actions and not depend on some one else to fix their problems.
    7. –Agree-Our parents were just like us as kids and they went through the same things as us and we should understand they had to deal e=with us for a long time so we shouldn’t complain when the ask us to do things. We should be nice and respectful to our parents.
    8. –Agree-They shouldn’t have more than one chance to fix things because in real life you get one chance to do it and if it doesn’t happen the right way you just have to move on. We should be taught right from the beginning that life is a one chance thing.
    9. –Agree-Life isn’t lived a semester at a time its lived every day of every year over and over again. So people are out thinking they will get what they want and have breaks but them wont it doesn’t work that way. It is harder than people actually realize.
    10. –Agree-Television is just another way to escape from reality. The only way that things happen in television are not real life circumstances its totally different then real life. People cannot have a job in television and have millions and in the real world you will be living in a card board box if you don’t have a job.
    11. –Agree-Being nice to nerds is one of the best things you can do. They can help you get better grades and sometimes even do your home work for you. They are smarter than most people so they will most likely go to college and start a company and then you will end up working for them and you want to be on their good side if they are your boss.

  14. Rule 1: Life isn’t fair. It never has been and it never will be. We might as well get used to it now because things are going to go wrong and there is no sense in whining about it, just deal with it. Don’t go around the mountain push yourself over it.
    Rule 2 : This is so true. People shouldn’t feel good about themselves until they do something worth feeling good about. Don’t show off to other people even if you did do something good, people don’t like others saying how well they have done be because maybe there not as successful as you. Don’t make people feel bad about themselves.
    Rule 3 : I actually disagree with this because some people can go right out of college and get a great job from connections or something. They could invent something and make alot more money than a usual person so this is not true. There are many people that I could name that didn’t go to college and just got a job right away and make those figures. It happens.
    Rule 4 : Most likely your boss is going to be alot tougher than your teacher. Having tough teachers is a great thing because they are getting you ready for the real life. Don’t try to be the tough guy that sticks up to the tough teacher because you wouldn’t do that to your boss. So don’t complain and thank your tough teachers.
    Rule 5 : Even though flipping burgers may not be your ideal job it’s a job. You’re getting an income that will get you by until you have the experience to move up into a better job. In my opinion, I think this is a good way to start a career because it will shoe you if you’re tough enough for a tough job, or too weak to handle the pressure of having a boss. Your grandparents obviously did fine because they raised our parents and our parents raised us so don’t complain about your job.
    Rule 6: What is the point in whining about messing up? It won’t do you any good; most likely it will just get you in more trouble. Be a young adult and face the fact that you messed up and use it to become a better person.
    Rule 7: Our parents have sacrificed so much to give us kids a good life. They do everything for us, if we didn’t have them we wouldn’t be here today. Thank your parents every once and a while a do some things for them to show your appreciation.
    Rule 8: You may get multiple chances in school but in the real life if you don’t get your work done or messed up that’s the end. You could go jobless and be forced into homeless. Do everything the first time so you don’t have to go back and do it again or get punished for it. Double check what you have just done.
    Rule 9: Before you get into a big industry or a big job you should know who you are. Don’t try to find yourself when you get an opportunity of a life time. Don’t teak breaks from life or your job. You need to start finding out who you are when you have the time.
    Rule 10: TV is fake. The so called "reality" shows are not reality. They shoot scenes then go back and shoot it again to make the show look better or more exciting. You can’t cut and redo life so don’t think that what you see on TV is what you will be in when you get older.
    Rule 11: I believe this is 110% true. It may not always happen but think about coming back to our class reunion and being un employed and don’t have money to support yourself and one of the nerds you used to pick on owns a multimillion dollar business and needs an assistant or some kind of position and he won’t give you it because you were so mean to him in high school. Think before you act.

  15. Alex Vallejos
    1. I absolutely agree with the quote. Life isn’t fair at all. You could be homeless because you couldn’t pay your bills and nobody gives second chances in the real world.
    2. Indeed I agree with this quote as well. If people aren’t productive, then the world will not care why, it’ll just throw you away and forget about you.
    3. YEP!!!! This quote is also is very true. Coming out of high school won’t get you anywhere far career wise. You have to go beyond school and work as hard as you can to get where you want in life.
    4. I agree. Teachers aren’t as bad as bosses. Teachers are there to help and understand the needs of children, while a boss is just there to push you down and run all over you. There isn’t any help after schooling.
    5. I agree with this quote because if you have a job, no matter what it is, you will have experience with actually working in a business situation. Plus it shows that you have job experience on your resume.
    6. This quote is very true. If you complain about your mistakes and don’t fix them, you aren’t doing any good for anybody. If you suck it up a deal with your mistakes and learn from them, you stand a chance at succeeding at life.
    7. I agree with this because all parents deserve respect. If you keep some of your thoughts to yourself and appreciate what your parents do for you, then they will respect you and keep doing what they’re doing.
    8. This quote makes a good that I agree with. If you believe that life will give nothing but second chances and opportunity, well then you’re wrong. The real world is a beast that will try to tear your head off every chance it gets, so try to be a winner.
    9. Not a whole lot to say on this one. I agree with what is being said, by keeping your personal interests personal, mind your own business. Also, school has come and gone, get used to it.
    10. I agree because without jobs, who would run the coffee shops???? The real point is that you can’t get anywhere in life being lazy. You have to try to make yourself look good.
    11. This one is a no brainer. If the nerds just so happen to be smart, watch out, they might take you out later in life. Back off of them, because like people say, “What goes around comes around.” Just stick with your own goals.

  16. Kala Travis
    Period 3
    Rule 1.
    I believe that rule one is true. Life isn’t fair and people don’t understand that. When things don’t go their way they throw a fit. Well as the quote says “life isn’t fair- get used to it’! I agree with it 100% and I think that people should be told that more often.
    Rule 2.
    I also agree with rule number two. The world is a mean place and until you’ve done something for it, no one is going to care about how you feel because they are all busy doing the same things you are.
    Rule 3.
    Rule number three is one I also agree with. If you want to be somebody you must earn it. They president wasn’t just handed his job. He worked hard, went through many things to get where he is today. Working at McDonalds isn’t going to get you $60,000, that’s why they tell you to go to college. :]
    Rule 4.
    Number four makes me laugh a little bit because in my opinion teachers aren’t all that bad. Stay on their good side, turn your work in on time and you’ll be alright. A boss on the other hand. If you do something wrong it’s their butts on the line. So yeah they are going to be a little tougher on you…but then again that’s life!
    Rule 5.
    I agree with this quote. People make jobs worse than they have to be. Back then people couldn’t just go to college and take out a loan…they’d never pay it back. Times were different and now times are changing. If someone were to ask me to “flip” burgers heck I’d take it…that’s a few bucks I didn’t have before.
    Rule 6.
    I’m kind of in between on this quote. If you look at it usually it’s not their fault. But then again if your parents are those who are not fit to be parents it’s a different story. If you have never known what it was like to have an adult around…or responsibility it is their fault. But those are the unfortunate and we must learn from our mistakes and in that case our parents’.
    Rule 7.
    I agree with this one 110%. Children now days take granted the things their parents have done for them. Paying bills isn’t easy, and that 50 bucks they put towards your cell phone bill could be dinner for two weeks, when you’re bored something for you all to do as a family. Before you jump to conclusions know the facts.
    Rule 8.
    I agree with this also. Although life in my eyes isn’t separated in to winners and losers, there will still be those less unfortunate in life. The popular kids are the cool ones in school and usually in life the “nerds” are the uncool ones. They aren’t worried about what social class they are in they would just like to accomplish their goals in life and move ahead. They don’t dwell on things that happened fifteen years ago when they were the butt of the senior prank. The “losers’’ are the ones who are too worried about what everyone else thinks of them to accomplish their full potential in life.
    Rule 9.
    I agree with this quote because everyone bases life off of how school went. Well you don’t get to take Columbus Day off because you’re used to it. Tough luck! Life doesn’t revolve around little things like when an assignment is due. If your work was like school…well there would be half a world failing right now.
    Rule 10.
    I agree with this quote and I think it is effective with those who live in reality. The Hills is just a set up show about someone’s life. Well newsflash, not everyone’s life is like that. In order to get somewhere you have to be somebody in order to be somebody you have to do something.
    Rule 11.
    This is the honest truth. Like I said a few quotes before they are the ones who have their goals ahead of them and the ones most likely to reach them. They don’t have to worry about going to Chad’s party because, they weren’t invited! That’s just extra time for them to look over that Calculus study guide and make sure they can perform the things needed to in order to be successful.

  17. I think teachers should do more active stuff. The kid’s brains will be up more. I think the teachers should let the kids move around. So we could get up and we could listen more. The teachers should more stuff with the assignments. The teachers should make us bored all the time and they should do some different stuff and not keep all the same.

  18. Courtney Keil
    Period 3

    Rule 1: I agree very much with this rule and I think it applies to everyone. I think everyone needs to be reminded that not everything is going to go your way, and nothing is perfect. “Life is not fair-get used to it” is probably something that everyone should be reminded of.
    Rule 2: I think this rule is true. I never thought about it, but it is very true. No one really cares about what you think about yourself, all we want to see is what you can do not what you think you can do. Once you accomplish something then that is the time for you to feel good about yourself.
    Rule 3: I agree very much with this rule. It is very true. I know personally, I always say I am going to have a lot of money but I need to be reminded that it isn’t just going to happen. I need to work for it and it’s not going to happen right away. This rule applies to a lot of teens too and is very true.
    Rule 4: I also agree with this rule. Most kids always complain about how hard their teacher is on them and how much they expect of them but most of them haven’t had a job where they have one person bossing them around all day. I can say I haven’t had a job where I’ve had a boss bossing me around, but I have heard stories and I know one day it will come.
    Rule 5: Once again teens always think that they are so much better than everyone else and that working at let’s say, McDonalds, that it is the worst possible thing you can do. You always hear kids joking around about working at a fast food restaurant making no money and working with drop outs that know nothing, but if you think about it about 30 years ago that was a normal job for our grandparents and they considered themselves lucky to even have a job that paid. This rule is something that our generation should be reminded of.
    Rule 6: This quote is very inspirational. I know that as a teen, doing something wrong you always blame someone else. Especially your parents. But in reality, it’s your fault and you need to accept that. We all need to not think of it as mistake but as something to learn from and do better with the next time.

  19. Courtney Keil
    PART 2

    Rule 7: This rule is also very true. As teens we all think our parents are such boring people that only work and complain about how tired they are, but really we are the reason they are that way. They have to deal with teenagers that think the world revolves around them and want everything and anything that would make them ‘cool’. So I think we all need to think not about ourselves but what our parents do for us and why they are “so boring”.
    Rule 8: Even though most of us think our school is the worst school out there…its not. None of us think about how many other people have it worse off than we do. Once again, us teenagers only think about ourselves and nothing else. Like the quote says, there are schools out there that don’t let you learn from your mistakes and let you get the wrong answer as many times as you want until you get the right one. That doesn’t teach you anything about reality and doesn’t prepare you one bit for the real world.
    Rule 9: Again, like how school is set up, life is not divided into semesters. In the real world, your employer won’t care if you need time to yourself and give you a summer off. You will be working all year, most likely 5 days a week. So take advantage of the 3 months you get off to do nothing. Something we should all be reminded of, it’s not reality.
    Rule 10: This rule is very true. My dad reminds me all the time that TV is not reality. It might be called a reality show, but it really isn’t. I will be all excited about the new episode of The Hills where Lauren gets her dream job at Teen Vogue right out of high school and my dad will just role his eyes and tell me “you know that is not real.” Everything on TV is played out, which no one really realizes.
    Rule 11: I never really thought about this rule either, but it is so true. In high school, everyone is worried about what people think of them so everyone makes fun of everyone that isn’t like them. For example, the nerds. Everyone is mean to them and makes fun of them but really they are the ones that are going to go far in life. They are the ones that will make it big because they will get a good education and not worry about what people think of them and most likely one of them will be your boss someday, so moral of the story like Bill Gates said, be nice to them. :)

  20. Rule 1, I think that this rule is easy for someone like bill gates to say, he’s the richest man in America. If bill was on the less fair end of things do you think he would deal with it? Maybe the bank will take all his money and I don’t think he will have the same deal with it attitude.
    Rule 2, this is true, the real worlds a back stabbing witch. It won’t care about your self esteem but the people living in the world might. Not all people are inconsiderate douches that will stomp all over your heart and soul. Then again if you give most people a chance to most people will completely and utterly torture and murder your soul.
    Rule 3, this rule is not true, most snotty teenagers have very nice cars with car phones and they have never earned a duller in their life. I think some kids in this very room may even have nicer cars than the principle of the school there learning in. some kids just have it made because there spoiled beyond belief. Maybe they have parents that are in there 60s that are doctors so they get away with whatever they want.
    Rule 4, my boss is the coolest boss in town; he’s to cool for school. He is laid back and he even works right next to the people he commands. Then again I only work construction. But he isn’t the boss that sits pretty and tells you what to do, he will tell you to take out carpet and then go back to work busting out the tiles.
    Rule 5, its true, burger flipping is a great opportunity. It will give you experience on what you can laugh at when you’re a CEO of some big company. Why would you flip burgers? It’s go big or go home, if you want to be the big wig of a huge company you have to work on the corporate side of things. If you walk into a business and they ask what you used to do and you say “I splashed around greasy meat, ‘’they will laugh at your face.
    Rule 6, I agree, I don’t think you need any in detail paragraph about this one.
    Rule 7, parents raised you to help something they know about, so if they raise you to help there generations problems it’s something you have to do to pay them back for doing everything for you when you were a child.
    Rule 8, in life if you’re not first your last, to quote the great Ricky bobby, but it’s an endless opportunity filled world. You have a choice to do anything you want. It’s not like if you don’t get hired by one company you screwed for life.
    Rule 9, who in their right mind would think life is like school? Everyone knows your life sucks once you get a job because nine times out of ten you hate your job. But that’s how Americans do things, it won’t get done unless you hate it.
    Rule 10, it could be real life if you were an actor on a ‘reality’ show.
    Rule 11, with the economy the way it is we are going to revert back to our primal state of fighting for our food. There won’t be anything that even resembles organized business. But you have fun thinking your going to run a company when were in another great depression! -Julian lee

  21. Rule 1- Sometimes life won’t be fair. But, there is always a downfall to everything and it all depends on how people look at different situations. As humans we need to adapt to what isn’t “fair” but that doesn’t mean we go complain to friends or get fussy about everything. We need to “get used to it!”
    Rule 2- Self esteem is good but the task must be done before we, as humans, start feeling good about ourselves. Just remember not to feel down even if the job isn’t done right. Slow down and wait till the task is done then give yourself a pat on the back.
    Rule 3- Money is earned with a good education and that means going to college. Learn the value of a dollar and go to school. Being a Vice-president takes a lot of hard work and a lot of brains. As for the car phone, just get a job at car toys and put one in yourself. That way you will get paid and at the same time be able to “pimp” a car out.
    Rule 4- Teachers are tough for a reason; they are getting students ready for real life after school. Without the push those teachers give us we would be getting a good job and keeping it. Bosses are only mean because you used to pick on their kind back in high school. Well who is laughing now?
    Rule 5- Every job has an opportunity to it. Burger flipping is one of the lowest jobs you can have, but who knows maybe that job will lead to being a cook for some fancy restaurant. It all depends on the effort that is put into it. Don’t sell yourself short and do the bare minimum, be the best and who knows who needs a great chief.
    Rule 6- The mistakes that teenagers make are our own faults. The only reason to blame the parents is because they are the only ones who are willing to listen. Most parents push their kids to do their homework and those teenagers don’t like it. Well parents know best and they are doing it for a reason. Teenagers with parents that don’t care well that gives you a chance to show them how good you are but don’t balm them for anything. If it happens again you will know what to do.
    Rule 7- Family comes first and that means showing your parents how wonderful they really are. Don’t be a slob or a spoiled brat, and that will only make things worse. Go green by cleaning your room and giving the clothes that don’t fit to goodwill that way you and your parents will be happy.
    Rule 8- There will always be a winner and a loser, so live with it. Schools need to push their students and if they fail well that’s the students fault. The world needs ditch diggers too. Without losers there wouldn’t be any stability in the world.
    Rule 9- Summers off are for the real smart people in the world, teachers. “Finding yourself” is something done in yoga class not with a group of friends. Doing things on your own time is healthy, that’s how you find out the “inner” you.
    Rule 10- Watching television is for people that don’t have a life. Don’t be a couch potato go get a job and maybe get a camera crew to videotape your life, put in on TV or the other lazy people and inspire them to get a job. Plus coffee shops are over rated just buy a coffee maker and sit at your table to write a book.
    Rule 11- Nerds are the people that do well in life. They know who will be making the money later in life. Be nice to them and give them money to help you cheat. Not really though, ask them for help and maybe one day you can work next to them.

  22. 1. I agree with this rule because I don’t think life is always fair. In life you can’t always get everything you want, and sometimes it’s not under your control if it does work or not. Although life isn’t fair, it allows you to grow and learn when things don’t always go as planned. If you don’t like how something is going and it’s not fair then do something about it.
    2. You shouldn’t care about what other people think, because it’s not their life its yours. If you have a higher self esteem people will notice that because you will be more confident and although they may not care about your self esteem, the fact that you have a high self esteem will show and people will respect that and it could help you secede in life.
    3. I agree with this statement because you have to be able to work hard for your money and the things you want, or position in your job that you want. You have to work hard and work your way up to what you want. There is no easy way to the top you go to work your way up
    4. Teachers are trying to help you prepare yourself for after school and for the real life. You boss is trying to help you stay on track and do the job right. Your boss also expects you to already have the knowledge for that job, and expect you to know how to do things and aren’t going to sit there and help you. So in the long run the tough teachers might not be such a bad thing because they are just trying to prepare you for life.
    5. Although flipping burgers at McDonalds doesn’t sound like the type of job any high school student wants, it will teach you things to help you in the long run. It’s a way to earn money learn responsibilities. Don’t take the opportunity to learn for granted.
    6. I agree with this statement because if u make a mistake don’t blame anyone for a mistake that you made. Learn from your mistake. Winning will not make the situation better, just learn from whatever you did take the punishment and your life will move on.
    7. Having a kid and growing up does make you gain new responsibilities, and although they may be lame they are also more mature and they know about the harder things in life to from when they were growing up.
    8. I agree with this statement because school doesn’t follow the way real life is. In life most of the time you get one chance to do whatever needs to be done right, and if u gets it wrong chances are u don’t get to do it again. In school you get maybe chances to make things work the first time, but the older you get the harder they make this on you and they try to prepare you for life and the chances that life gives you.
    9. I think this is true, and that we should be thankful and take what we have now as our break our our summer, because when we get older we won’t have that break and we continue you to work every day.
    10. Life is not a day sitting in the coffee shop, you have to get up and do something with your life. Get a job, go to school, and work through drama. On TV, in most cases everything ends up working out and in life that’s not always is the case. Television gives you false hopes, and sometimes you just have to grow up and be realistic.
    11. My mom always tells me to date the nerds because they will be the ones with all the money. =) Its important to remember that after high school nobody will care about what your social status was and you should just try to learn as much as you can because that’s what you will remember and that’s what will help you succeed.

  23. Rule 1: I completely agree. You’re not always going to get everything that YOU want to do, and there are always going to be things that you have to do that you don’t really want to do. Sometimes you just got to suck it up and just do it. Instead of complain and draw it out, and make it harder on yourself.
    Rule 2: I also agree with this one. The world doesn’t care about how you feel about something. They just tell you to do it and expect you to do it whether you feel good about it or not. No one in society will tell you what they want you to do, then give you the option to choose if you want to do it or not based on how you feel about it.
    Rule 3: This rule is very true. We’re not going to get a good high paying job right out of high school with just a high school diploma. Depending on the job you might have to go through years more of schooling and even after you might have to work your way slowly up the ladder to that CEO or vice- president job. Along with that you probably won’t be able to afford nice things until you accomplish making your way up to that job. Where you get paid enough to afford that car phone or big screen tv you want.
    Rule 4: Another great point that a lot of kids and even some adults need to learn. Your teacher may be a tough grader or really strict on discipline, but that’s nothing compared to a boss. In school if you screw up on an assignment or score low on something. Your grade might drop but you still get a chance to make it up and bring your grade up. Boss’s on the other hand, if you screw up that could mean your job, and if you lose your job you won’t be able to pay bills or have luxury items just what you need to go through the day.
    Rule 5: A very good point. We complain about the job we get and that we could be doing something better. Or not apply for a job because it’s not worthy enough to be our job. Instead of looking at it like at least I have a job and a steady paycheck to pay the bills. Our grandparents took every job they could get so they could help support themselves and their family. They never always liked the job they had to but they sucked it up, shut up, and just did it.
    Rule 6: Agreed, we need to learn how to take responsibility for our actions and face the consequences and not point the finger at someone else to blame them for our own mistakes. After we take responsibility we need to learn whatever we can from that mistake and situation so we can avoid making the same mistake next time around.
    Rule 7: What I get from this rule is that we need to cut back on buying things we don’t really need and will probably only wear once. After we do that it makes it easier on our parents so maybe they won’t have to focus and work so hard to afford your meaningless spending. Also they might loosen up and have more time for the fun and enjoyable things in life.
    Rule 8: This is very true in school we get as many chances as we want to get that passing grade and make up credits that we need, but in the real world you fail once and that’s it no retakes or extra credit. It’s done over finished. No second chances to fix your mistakes.
    Rule 9: I agree with this. At work do your work and focus on it and get it done. Don’t bring your personal life too much into work or it will distract you and slow you down and you won’t get any work done. Leave personal thing at home and keep your work work and not a place to vent and complain.
    Rule 10: Tv is a fantasy and a fairytale. Tv is fake and engineered to be appeasing and to be that life you wish you had. People working on tv is nothing like working in the real world. Jobs are hard and tough and most likely won’t be your favorite thing in the world to do.
    Rule 11: Haha I love this one cause it’s so true. The nerds are the ones who work to make our life easier and more enjoyable. We need to be nice to them cause they’re going to be the ones who make the companies and multi- billion dollar organizations and we will probably end up working for one.

  24. Rules
    Rule 1- This rule is true for the most part. When Bill said this, in his head he was probably thinking that anything can happen wrong and it wouldn’t be fair to him or anyone else. I always say that life isn’t fair because just the bad things that happen in life and also the things that you can’t fix in your life.
    Rule 2- For this rule, I agree because if you have nothing going for yourself and you haven’t accomplished anything then you feel pointless and disappointed. When I accomplish something I feel happy and I feel good about myself and wish I could do it more often.
    Rule 3- On this rule Bill is right on the most because, yes you just won’t start making that much money when you get out of school. There are many reasons for that. On the second part of the quote he may was telling us on how he started making money like that.
    Rule 4- This rule, I don’t think I believe him. The reason for this is because I work and do have a boss and he is not that tough compared to some of my teachers from the past years I have been in school. I really think it depends on the kind of work you do and how you do it.
    Rule 5- Yes if that’s the only job available then it is an opportunity to make money and see how it feels to work at a place like that if you don’t have the right type of education. A lot of people that get first jobs may flipping burgers and if they don’t have the right education then you should experience that when you’re still in school so you know how you will be making very little money.
    Rule 6- For this rule, yes and no, because when you’re the one that is making the mistake it could because you don’t listen to your parents and don’t care or your parents don’t care and they didn’t teach you or talk to you about making them mistakes. How the parents teach you is from making those mistakes and them giving you a punishment. So then you learn not to make the same mistake again.
    Rule 7- I agree to this rule because if you see your parents having fun and not having to worry about you then they really fun. For some things make it easy for your parents and help them out because maybe they will have fun with you and not be so boring at home and sitting on the coach most of the time. Sometimes it doesn’t work, I know this by me trying to help them out and not complain but they don’t have fun with me.
    Rule 8- This rule is exactly right, life is not that easy. When you’re on your own and have to take care of yourself it’s not the same from staying with your parents and going to school. I agree to this because I see how my older siblings or family go through it. IT’S NOT THAT EASY!
    Rule 9- This rule is also true. When you have to pay the bills, eat, have clothes on your body then that means you have to work. In the summer there are still bills and you have to eat so you have to work during the summer and still only have two or more days off a week.
    Rule 10- This rule is funny because it’s not the real life. There job has to go to work after getting coffee but the people that are playing the TV shows, that is their work. I was tell myself if I see a chick flick and relationship shows, I say that I wish that was real life.
    Rule 11- This one is also funny. I can see that happening to someone and the “nerds” are laughing at them once they see them working for them. I agree but then on the other hand I don’t agree because it may not happen.

  25. 1) Life can be fair and other times it can’t. Just depends on what is going on, but you should just get use to it because everyone can’t always have it their way.

    2) The world don’t seem to care about your self- esteem because if they didn’t don’t you think there would be less judging.

    3) Once you get out of high school you have to find a good buying job to make it. But you can just be rich by making it through high school.

    4) Its good for someone to be tough so you make sure you get work done. Because we all know if there’s not someone being tough we will get nothing done and walk all over them.

    5) I hate when old people try to tell me about how bad they have it. Back in my day! Who cares someone had it worse then you to. (BACK IN THERE DAY) shut up

    6) Your parents won’t always be there to take the blame and everyone mess up, but the good thing is to learn and not do it aging.

    7)I think my parents are tight there not boring and I can talk to them about anything.

    8) It’s not that way with life because there’s not always someone there to help you get the right answer. Half the time we don’t ask and make bad choices.

    9) If you think of it life is divided into semesters from your past to where you are now. Hopefully good and will countie to do so.

    10) Live is never like TV at all, I don’t care what your watching, that would be cool though.
    11) You should be nice to everyone no matter who they are. Treat others the way you want to be treated.

  26. 1 This statement is very true but we don’t have to get used to it, we can always fight in most cases to get the fairness we deserve. If everybody got used to it there would most likely still be segregation today.
    2. To me this means the world has no self esteem boosters. You must create your own, on your own time, after the job is done
    3. No matter how smart you are, life never hands you anything on a silver platter, you must go out and get it with whatever necessary
    4. Personally, I’ve had both and its not that a boss is worse then a teacher, its how you make it. If you do what is asked by both, you should never have issues with either of them.
    5. He is saying passed generations didn’t look at the job itself, they looked at what they gained from it. Present generations dwell too much on what they’re doing, not what they’re gaining
    6. If you get grounded, don’t be mad, look forward to never getting grounded for that reason again.
    7. Take care of the things you messed up before consulting others on their mistakes. In other words don’t be a hypocrite.
    8. There’s no point in looking to how things were in the past, so what if winning didn’t matter then, it matters now. This also relates to the first rule, “Life isn’t fair.”
    9. once you become an adult, you don’t only have responsibilities sometimes, you don’t get a break from reality, and do not associate your personal life with work.
    10. do not get sucked in to the fantasy land they call television, always remember they are actors there for your entertainment, if it were anything like real life it would not be entertaining.
    11. making fun of someone for being smart classifies you as an even more ignorant person then you were for not being a nerd in the first place, if we didn’t have nerds we wouldn’t have the many luxuries we have today such as cell phones, cars, and computers.

  27. 1:I believe this rule is reasonable. Life is very unfair and people like to complain a lot they should get use to the unfairness. And I do believe it’s helpful for those who keep living life believing that everything is fair because it’s not. So I completely agree with this rule.
    2:I disagree, in order to accomplish something for the world you need your self esteem. The rest of the world may not care how you feel about yourself but in the end that’s what gives you the confidence to do to the things you do. So this to me is not helpful at all and completely does not guide any one.
    3:This is reasonable and helpful. In order to get $60,000 annual pay you need to graduate high school , and in order to become vice president and have a car phone you do need both. This shows how as you work your way up you will end up with the riches and the dream life. But when first starting, it won’t be so dreamy. You just need to stay focused on your goals and work hard towards them, because they will eventually pay off.
    4:This I believe is also true. Yes teachers may be tough but they’re just preparing you for the real world. When you’re older there won’t be anyone to tell you when your work needs to be completed, there won’t be anyone to tell you to pay attention. You can only rely on yourself. The boss wont’ let you get away with being late every day. This rule is helpful for everybody.
    5:Dignity should be the last thing to be worrying about. If you’re happy with your life and what you have done in life then this shouldn’t take away from your dignity. I agree with it as being an opportunity because flipping burgers is not the end of the world, its just a way to find yourself and what you want out of life. It’s a way to discover what career you would rather have in the future. This is an opportunity to venture out for what you want.
    6:I somewhat agree with this but then again disagree. I agree because, yes you do need to learn from your mistakes, and suck it up and take it like a man. But then again, when you do whine a little you feel a little better. Its definitely not the parents fault but having them comfort you through your mistakes helps you to realize what you need to do better the next time or what your shouldn’t do next time to correct those errors.
    7:This is helpful because it helps open your mind to think about what it actually means. I agree with it because instead of worrying about how people judge you or materialistic objects you should think about the people that have been there for you and what they have sacrificed and help you achieve. Without them where would you be?
    8: real life does not at all compare to high school, so I completely agree with this rule. In the real world people are free to express their opinion anyway they want however they want. People in the real world still separate winners and losers, and there are no failing or passing grades, but in the larger perspective there are people who fail and people who pass. In the real life it’s all based on money, social class, and who you know. In high school its all about what we learn and how fast we are expected to learn it. This rule is absolutely correct in what a difference the real world is compared to high school, and students are just not prepared enough.
    9:This is correct, and helpful, and reasonable. In real life we don’t have spring breaks or summer breaks, and people don’t care as much. So now is the time to find yourself and stick with it because in the future there will be no time to figure out exactly who you are.
    10:I agree. Don’t live by the fantasy life on TV. Because in all actuality there’s work to be done and, no time for play.
    11:I agree, and I think just be nice to everyone because no matter what you will probably run in to them in one way or another, and karma will come back to haunt you. You will get what’s coming to you. And I think its pathetic to sort people into groups like that such as nerds. We’re all people and we all serve the same person. They are no different than you or anybody else.

  28. Rule #1: It actually depends a lot on how the person sees fairness. If I think something’s fair, I go on and complete the task because it seems fair and worth my time. If I don’t think it’s fair, I still do it, if it benefits later. It’s helpful, because once you’ve read it, it’s a reminder of the truth, even if the truth is hurtful, and in this case it is, there’s nothing you could do to make Life fair, because there’s a lot in life and it wouldn’t even take a lifetime to perfect all the things in this world that seems unfair.
    Rule #2: Its true but it actually sounds pretty selfish of this world to not care, it depends, if the people in your life care about you, they’ll also, but actually it’s up to the person. If you don’t care that the world or a certain person doesn’t care about your feelings, then it won’t matter until you make it matter.
    Rule#3:True, but. I’m sure that Barrack Obama didn’t make 60,000 a year right out of high school. You won’t make it to be a vice president until you have earned a car and 60, 000 dollars. Its helpful to know that but pretty obvious to figure out. But mostly only helpful, if you want to become a president, it would be a hint.
    Rule#4:Everybody’s tough if you give him or her reason to be. Bosses and teachers have to be because if they weren’t anything wouldn’t get done the right way. This Rule is helpful, because it's also already obvious; teachers already make their points to be tough, and so do bosses.
    Rule #5:Our grandparents see burger flipping (the worst of jobs) as opportunity. Its called opportunity because it still gets you somewhere, and its better than not working at all. Its helpful to know this rule, because over generations, more doors of opportunity open for the young than it did before back in our grandparents’ ages.
    Rule 6: If you mess up, its not your parent's fault, so you shouldn’t whine about it, you should just fix the mistake and learn from it. It will also help benefit you, if you try and fix your mistakes, because telling your parents about them wont help the situation. It’s a helpful rule because its just a reminder that you shouldn’t rely on your parents for all the answers..
    Rule #7: It basically means that your parents, if they are boring and mean, they weren’t like that until they had to take care of you, so they had more responsibilities. You at least you should care about your parents’ need, like they are doing for you
    Rule #8: After high school is finished, your life won’t have anything to do with what you were, either a winner or a loser, because there’s more to life than in high school. High school is merely a step you have to take before you can move forward and start your real life. It’s helpful to know this because then it gives you motivation to finish high school for your future.
    Rule #9:Real life is different than high school and much harder. You don’t get many chances to figure it out and real life is not divided into semesters, which you can’t, take over and over again. If you make one mistake, the others will be much difficult to fix.. Its helpful to know this because all this is basically telling you that life is no joke, and there is no time for mistakes, unless you have time to fix them.
    Rule #10:It’s a very real thing to know. Its helpful to know that you cant get anywhere in life by watching TV. If you want to be something you have to actually get out of your house and work for it. Also, most young teenagers plan to be successful but instead spend most of their hours watching TV, which will not get them anywhere unless they are happy with being a couch potato.
    Rule #11:People should be nice to nerds. Most nerds have the reputation to be smart, so they’ll probably end up further than you. But also be nice to everybody because there is also a chance that you might have to work for him or her too. So even if they are your enemy, you cant be a jerk, because one day you might end up working for them, then they will be mean because you weren’t nice to them.

  29. The art of adaptation comes out of the necessity of compromise, and is essential for a good education, with such making compromise in the class room obligatory. There really is no way better way for teachers to further their understanding of the teenage psyche without some bad apples attempting to ruin the education of others by taking advantage of being listened to. This is my honest opinion of the state of the educational understanding between student and teacher, so I would hope to give credit to the teachers for knowing what our thought process is to this point. The ten age brain is one with great room for expansion, but only if the mind permits it to be, and it is a major success of the modern teacher.

    The teenage brain was proven through the video to have grown in the pre-adolescent period of life, making the capabilities of a teen greater in all facets of their lives, but only if properly nurtured to act as such. If education has not been in a priority in the teen’s life, their capabilities for knowledge are replaced by a tendency for back-talk to adults, which was highly visible through the Rhode Island families daily struggles to reach their son Charlie. Not to say that education has to be top priority, but during the teenage years, there are in all factuality no better opportunities to broaden the horizons they have. Teachers that are able to cash in on those students who remain open to education are generally viewed as “getting them” in the sense there is a consensus over what they can achieve and how hard they are willing to work for it, I believe. It is these teachers who can influence a student’s growth positively and helps them realize their true possibilities who are real miracle workers for so many students who may not realize it. It is by this opinion which I believe teachers have achieved all they could hope to achieve into understanding their pupils and I have no requests for them to delve deeper, in all honesty.

    While psychology as a career is a very narrow in the lines of work, it is very possible to find masters of this art within the education system as the teachers of the students continue to prove they can help a student’s education simply by listening and reacting on a personal level to each student’s different learning situation. While there may be the few who believe they cannot be “understood” by their teachers, they don’t realize they are helping teach them that they are trying to make a lost cause of themselves, despite the diligent educators who never stop trying to help them. It is in the better nature of many teachers, at least the ones I know, not to give up on a student no matter the circumstance, which I believe to be one of the most admirable actions a human being could commit. So I do not see any way possible for a teacher to adapt to us, the student, but only those who refuse the teachers understanding need to realize the golden opportunity that they provide us.

  30. Keeley Drozda
    1. Life definitely isn’t fair. A benefit always equals to a negative. No one realizes though, that it’s the same way for everyone and that we have to move on.
    2. The world honestly doesn’t care how you feel about yourself. That’s why I always hear people say, “Be confident!” Being insecure will get you no where, unless you finally decide to face your fears! That’s when people notice.
    3. I guess that I just learned something right there. You have to deserve what you want in life. It’s not going to just be given to you when you expect it to. Work hard for things, and you’ll get it.
    4. Teachers can be really tough. But school is not really the real world. Having a boss is going to be a lot of sucking up and showing your all. Stand out in a positive way, and you’ll succeed.
    5. You weren’t born to just work for a fast-food restaurant for a career. It was called opportunity and choosing how your life would be. And your parents wanted you to become the best you could be. Not a low life.
    6. It’s also called regret if you whine about your mistakes. Good thing I don’t regret at all; I guess it’s one of the traits of mine that I’m proud of. Your parents are not at fault. Blaming people is not the right way to go in life. Just move on and turn the negative things into positives!
    7. This is something nobody would like to admit, but it’s true. Parents do like having fun. Don’t we all? You should appreciate all the small things they do for you in everyday life. I know that I do, and even though I don’t say it, I really do.
    8. School does not compare to real life. As there are the winners and losers, college is a whole new start. You can change and have your chances back. This is where the real world starts. You’re off on your own. It’s all up to you, now. Just try again and don’t give up is all I can say.
    9. It sucks that, as adults, we won’t have our vacations and we won’t have as much time off. But remember, it’s not all about you! Find yourself on your own time, otherwise you’re going to be a mess.
    10. Reality t.v. isn’t even reality. I find that so funny, it’s kind of why I don’t watch much myself. Don’t always believe the things you hear, read, or watch on the media. It’s just entertainment.
    11. Just be nice to everyone. No matter who likes you, you’ll be liked and that’s what matters. Everyone matters, not just the “popular” people. It’s impossible to be liked by everyone. People could be jealous or mad at you. So just don’t care what people think, be confident, smart and concerning.

  31. Rule 1: This rule is very true. Life is rarely fair to everyone. Instead of hoping that life will be fair each time, get used to life being unfair. This way when life isn’t fair you will not be disappointed. And if life is fair, you will be happily surprised.
    Rule 2: I think this rule is true, but I don’t agree with it. Out in the real world, all the majority of people care about is money. In a job, for example your boss will expect you to work and make him/her the most money possible. They won’t care if you feel good about yourself or not. They want you to feel good about yourself after you make them money.
    Rule 3: I definitely agree with this rule. This rule is basically saying that you have to earn what you receive. Completing high school alone is not going to get you very far in life. You have to earn anything else that you want.
    Rule 4: This rule is very accurate. Teachers are hired to help students. It is their job to help students succeed. Bosses worked their way to the top and expect you to work the same way they did.
    Rule 5: I think this rule is true and accurate. Everyone has to start somewhere. For some people, their start may be flipping burgers. Look at it this way: you can only go up from there.
    Rule 6: I agree with this rule 100%. I really hate it when people whine. If they messed up, it IS their fault. They can try to blame other people, but it doesn’t change the fact that they messed up. The only thing they can do from there is to learn from their mistake.
    Rule 7: I don’t exactly agree with all of this rule. My parents are not very boring. I think that most parents become boring from paying bills, cleaning and listening, but I don’t think that cleaning out your closet is the best way of making your parents un-boring.
    Rule 8: I definitely agree with this rule. In life, there are winners and losers. There is no middle ground. You are either a winner of a loser. Schools that have done away with winners and losers and give students as many times as they want to get the right answer are not realistic at all. In the real world, you get one chance to do something. If you do it right, you are a winner, if not, you are a loser.
    Rule 9: this rule is very true. Life is not like school. In school, you get summers off and it is divided in semesters. If you want to find yourself, make time to do it.
    Rule 10: This rule is true. Television is nothing like real life. Real people have to go to jobs and their lives are not as exciting as the people in TV.
    Rule 11: I think this rule is accurate. Nerds are the hardworking people in school. These hardworking people end up being the big bosses that completely control your life while at work. They can make it pleasant, or not.

  32. Rules
    1.Life isn’t fare get used to me. I do agree with this rule because life isn’t fare and all you can do is take what happened and move on. Yes, you can’t control what happens in your life but, what you can do is try to make the best of every situation that is thrown your way. You have to realize that life is always not fare.
    2.I do agree and disagree with this rule because yes the world doesn’t really care about your self-esteem but. I do feel that they do care about what you accomplish in the world. Yes the world is very demanding and critical about what you do and don’t do. People and the world do accept you to be what they want you to be at the end of the day.
    3.Yes, you won’t make that much money right after high school you would need to go to college and get a job. But, you won’t be vice- president and with a car phone that is going a little over board yes you need to achieve both to get both. This is, going over board and yes again the world is accepting you to be something they want you to be.
    4. Yes, I completely agree with that. When you think that your teacher is tough wait until you get into the real world. People think that teach can be tough because teacher think or they assume that they know what the best is for you. But, bosses also think the same way. So whatever you do in your life someone or something will always be tough on you.
    5.Yes, that is true but, you also have to realize back then your grandparents didn’t have much that they could do to get a better life. So yes, both cases are correct. Today, people wouldn’t think that you couldn’t do much with your life and back then they thought it was a way out. What people think and used to think has change.
    6.Yes, I do agree with it because this is your own battle and you can’t whine to your parents. Yes, you can get upset about it but, you have to fix it. All you can do is move on fix it get stronger from what happened. I believe that every mistake you make in your life you move on from it and grow stronger.
    7.I do agree and disagree with this rule because there right and wrong things about what they are saying.One thing that they are saying that is right yes your parents are boring because you do think that you are cooler then them. But, they are wrong about how they were boring before we are born you didn’t even know them yet.
    8.That doesn’t always mean that the world doesn’t always give you a second chance. I disagree with this because yes your school does give you a second chance but, also the real world. So I feel people can’t say that the real world doesn’t give second chances because they do.
    9.Teacher get the summer off, students are not the only ones who do. Yes, you’re the only one who can find yourself and know what the best for you besides your parents. Employers are just there to give you job all they need you for is to get the job done so they don’t have to do it. You are the one who knows who you really are.
    10. Yes, some things about TV are wrong, but in some cases they are. People in real life do leave the coffee shop and go to their job. So do people in TV but, not always. I do believe that the TV is telling you that TV is the way of life and that everything else outside of the TV is wrong. This is wrong because in both cases it’s the same.
    11.That is completely true because I think that everyone has a nerd in them. Yes, I do believe that you will someday work with one someday. I also say treat everyone how you would want to be treated which is true. Treat everyone nice.

  33. Rule 1: this is true life is not fair but we got to learn how to make the best of it and enjoy it while we can.
    Rule2: yes this is sad but the most part it is true cause the world really only respects success and if you don’t have that then most of the time the world will put you down.
    Rule 3: this is also true because what I get out of this is that you can’t do whatever it is you want to do without working for it.
    Rule 4: I don’t agree with this because I don’t think teachers are ever tough they are just doing their job and some teachers do their jobs differently than we would like.
    Rule 5: I agree with this statement tremendously, What I get out of this is that it doesn’t matter what job or whatever you are doing there is still a chance for you to grown in many ways if that means making money or growing in character.
    Rule 6: Yes this is true mistakes can be one of the biggest eye openers every but you have to realize that they were mistakes and learn from them and move on.
    Rule 7: To be completely honest I don’t really get what this rule is saying.
    Rule 8: This rule can go both ways there are times in life when you get 2nd chances but they don’t come that often so when they do you got to take grasp of them and do it better the 2nd time.
    Rule 9: This is not true because a lot of people do care and are willing to help but at the end of the day you are the one who decides who you want to be and nobody can tell you different.
    Rule 10: Yes this is true because jobs are a way to better your life and also yourself it helps you grow and make life more enjoyable.
    Rule 11:I agree with this 100% but not just nice to others I believe we should be nice to everyone.

  34. Rule#1: This rule is for everyone, life is not fair. In everyone’s life sooner or later they are going to be disappointed or something is not going to go the way you planned for it to happen. You just have to move on and get over it. You can’t change what has already been done so you just have try and move on.

    Rule #: This rule is true the world won’t care about the things that you do. The world will only want you to get it done. The world is not going to walk along with you and make sure that your feeling good and that you are doing everything right. If you feel good about yourself then you won’t care about what the world thinks. If you do things and don’t expect to have the world sucking up to you then you should be fine.

    Rule#3: No one comes out of high school with a job that pays a bunch of money. You have to earn something before you get what you are working for. Opportunity won’t just come to you, you have to work for what you want. Before you can get anything you have to get experience first so just stop and enjoy the ride. Take one step at time and work for it.

    Rule#4: Teachers you might think that they are tough but wait till you get a job. Your boss isn’t going to sit there help you through every thing if you don’t understand it but your teacher will. When you get a boss you’re going to realize that your teacher is just preparing you for your boss. Your boss is going to tell you what to do and you have to be happy with it.

    Rule#5: The only thing that can get you a good job is experience so if you turn down a good opportunity then you’ll never learn. There is never a job to good for you to do. All jobs lead to experience so if you have to have a job where you flip burgers then go for it.

    Rule#6: If you make a mistake in your life then there’s only one person’s to blame and it’s your own. Don’t sit around all day and hope that some will take the blame for your fault. Don’t blame it on your parents because it’s not their fault either. If you sit around all day and dwell on your mistake then you won’t feel good about your self so get on with your life and learn from your mistake.

    Rule#7: when you came into this world your parents life changed suddenly they weren’t just thinking of themselves they were thinking of you too. They changed their lifestyle to help you. So instead of thinking of your self do things for others and act like an adult.

    Rule#8: Don’t believe for a second that if you mess up then the world is just going to bend for your wishes and give you a second chance. If you fail then you are going to pay for the consequences. So do your self a favor and do it right the first time and you will succeed. So try and you won’t fail.

    Rule#9: When you leave home and you do everything your self then you will realize that the world is not going to bend to what you want. Your life isn’t going to be perfect so don’t run away at the first sight of trouble. Everything works out if you try to fix it so don’t be afraid to ask for help for something from your family and friends.

    Rule#10: If you see something on tv then don’t set your goals on doing something impossible. Tv is for entertainment so don’t believe everything that you watch. Don’t watch something and wish that’s what you wish your life could be like either get up and do something about it or don’t watch and wish. Don’t believe what you watch on tv.

    Rule#11: This rule is simple enough learn it and follow it and life will be good. If you are mean to someone then what comes around goes around and one day you might just end up working for them so try not to be a jerk to anyone. Its like what they say treat them how you want to be treated.

  35. Mitch Martinez
    1 .I agree with the statement that life is not fare because no one is born perfect. You make mistakes and you have to learn from them the best you can. There is times when you could be living on the streets and you can’t get down on yourself.
    2. You are one person on this earth and everyone else starts in your same position. No one is going to pay attention to you until you do something.
    3. This is true also because people have to earn their money and that starts with getting a good education. No one graduates from high school and makes that much unless they are a professional athlete.
    4. I don’t really think my teacher or boss is mean because they expect close to perfection or at least the best that you can give. I know that and I can see someone who goes halfway all the time not getting that.
    5. This is way true. To be the best you can be you have to work for it. Everyone should have to start from the way bottom and work up.
    6. I agree that you make your mistakes not someone else and next time you have to do it right. If you blame it on someone else you will never learn and you won’t move up.
    7. I agree with this that you have to do your dirty work. No one is going to do it for you unless you are a kid and need it or unless you work hard and become a millionaire.
    8. I agree with this that in the real life you might have one do over and that is not a very big chance. You should just do it right on the first time.
    9. I believe in this too. You don’t get breaks until you finish your job. Once you finish all your work then you get the pleasure of retirement.
    10. I agree that unlike television you can’t lounge around and wait tell everything comes to you. If you do wait like that nothing is going to happen.
    11. I agree because nerds are smart and they are probably going to figure out how life works. You are probably going to be a step behind and they won’t help you in any way.

  36. Rule 1: Life is not fair - get used to it!
    I agree with this statement because of the reason nothing is perfect and no one can always have their way. Also life can and will throw any possible problem at you and you just have to get over it. Living by this is helpful with emotions and self esteem.

    Rule 2 : The world won't care about your self-esteem. The world will expect you to accomplish something BEFORE you feel good about yourself.
    This statement is very good to live by and this explains how the system works as well. I agree with this statement 100%. This explains how to become someone you have to work at it and when you are a nobody self esteem will naturally be low.
    Rule 3 : You will NOT make $60,000 a year right out of high school. You won't be a vice-president with a car phone until you earn both.
    I agree with this statement because to become a high paid person and to have all the rewards you have to work your way through college and different promotions in your field of work. This is good to live by because it helps self esteem by acknowledging that everything you do will eventually reward you and that to never give up.
    Rule 4 : If you think your teacher is tough, wait till you get a boss.
    This rule is good but not always necessarily true. I disagree with this rule because of the fact that some bosses are good and any person obtaining a job should not get yelled at by their boss because they are part of a working team and if one messes up then the overall production is low.
    Rule 5 : Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity. Your Grandparents had a different word for burger flipping: they called it opportunity.
    This is the perfect rule for living. Don’t pass on any opportunity even if it is just a low offering job or a position under the one you originally wanted. Life is not fair and opportunities are not thrown at you.
    Rule 6: If you mess up, it's not your parents' fault, so don't whine about your mistakes, learn from them.
    This is a good rule that teaches responsibility and helps each individual fix the way they live.
    Rule 7: Before you were born, your parents weren't as boring as they are now. They got that way from paying your bills, cleaning your clothes and listening to you talk about how cool you thought you were. So before you save the rain forest from the parasites of your parent's generation, try delousing the closet in your own room.
    This rule is good and true in my case because they lived with the same problems as we did and now they have to experience it again in our lives. Also going easy on your parents is good for them because it makes taking care of us kids easier.
    Rule 8: Your school may have done away with winners and losers, but life HAS NOT. In some schools, they have abolished failing grades and they'll give you as MANY TIMES as you want to get the right answer. This doesn't bear the slightest resemblance to ANYTHING in real life.
    This is true because all school does is prepare you for the life and it is not a exact replica. Failing in life is different than failing in school, in life there is no starting over.
    Rule 9: Life is not divided into semesters. You don't get summers off and very few employers are interested in helping you FIND YOURSELF. Do that on your own time.
    This rule is true and I definitely agree with what it is saying. Life doesn’t wait for you, so do everything you have to do on your own time.
    Rule 10: Television is NOT real life. In real life people actually have to leave the coffee shop and go to jobs.
    This rule is true as well. Television is full of actors and story lines. Don’t believe life on TV = life in Real Life.
    Rule 11: Be nice to nerds. Chances are you'll end up working for one.
    This rule is true meaning that be nice to every one because at the end you might have to work or do something for them.

  37. Rule1: it is true because some people in life are going to rip you off in life. They do this stuff because they don’t care whats going to happen to you they care about themselves. There is going to be a point in your life that your going to say that life isn’t fair.

    Rule2:in other words you have to work your butt off to accomplish things in your life. So you cant be lazy and be a couch potato and there just going to hand stuff to you, no it dosent work that way you have to work your butt off to be successful.

    Rule3: so your not going to get major job handed to you , you got to go to collage and earn a degree. So its not like you get out of high school and to be the president of the junited states of america.

    Rule4: So you think that a teacher is a pain in the butt , then a boss is worse. Don’t say that at school it is worse because they are bothering you so much, but if you work at a real job the boss is going to push you to work harder and you going to get tiered and the boss is not going to care.

    Rule5: Don’t be embarrassed the job that you get be happy with it and if you are surviving with it. Just be happy of what you get and other people would really wont to work your job it dosent matter how embarrassing it is.

    Rule6: Don’t blame your parents for your mistakes learn do deal them by yourself. So just stand up for your mistakes and don’t whine or be a cc lala. So never do that to your parents, and it is also hard to be a parent.

    Rule7:The reason your parents are boring is because they have to be responsible for you and the pay the bills for you. It is hard to become a parent because you have o be mature and always honest.

    Rule8: in real life they are not going to give you as many chances at school. When you are at school and you fail a test the teachers are going to give you another chance to give you. If you work in a real life and you do so many mistakes they are going to fire you.

    Rule9: When you have a real job in the real world you have to obey there standards. There is going to be any summer vacation like school does but when your lucky you might get a day or maybe a week off.

    Rule10: This world is not a fanasty world it’s the real thing. There is people the are busy every sigle day and they don’t have time to have a break. Your going to see people getting up early and go get coffe so they could wake up.

    Rule11: be nice to a nerd because they going to be your boss. They could have grudges and then your going to pay for what happen in the past.

    By eddy cheddy

  38. Rule 1: This rule is a very good rule to live by. This rule lets me know that people will be mean and if I don’t get what I want, it’s ok. If all my dreams don’t come true, I have to just suck it up and keep doing what I’m doing and not stop.
    Rule 2: This is a very reasonable rule once you do something to make your life better you feel better. It is a helpful because once you know this, you can start to make a change in your life for the better. I agree with this rule; it’s a very good rule to live by one that I will live by from now on.
    Rule 3: Rule number 3 helps you to have a realization that once when you’re out of school you won’t be rich right away, you won’t have a nice car or a nice job. The only way you can get all of that is by hard work and determination and that is a great rule. We must try, try, and never give up to get what we want, because we can get there with hard work.
    Rule 4: In rule 4, Bill is telling us that a teacher is nice and will try to help you to do good. Even if you think they are mean, they are really just trying to help you so you can do better later on. A boss doesn’t care if you don’t like him or if you do well, because he can just replace you. I agree 100% with this rule. Teachers are there to help you, and you should listen to them because once when you’re out of school, no one will help you but yourself.
    Rule 5: I believe that rule 5 is saying that the any job in which you make money is good. Even if it’s flipping burgers it’s a job and you should treat it just like any other job. This is a great rule to live by because it shows me that no matter what I do, its still gives me an opportunity to make money.
    Rule 6: This is a very good rule to live by that the only person to blame is yourself. You have to take responsibility for your own actions and not put them on anyone else. I agree with this rule it makes total since.
    Rule 7: I don’t understand what this rule is trying to tell me. I don’t think I agree with it because I don’t get it.
    Rule 8: I like this rule its telling me to try my hardest to do good now, because as soon as I leave school, it won’t matter if I fail and do bad, You will not get into college and you’ll have a bad job. I think this is a great rule to live by. It’s really helpful and is going to start think about when I go through school.
    Rule 9: I don’t like rule 9 because even if the employees don’t want to hear about what is going on in your life, there is someone who is going to listen. Life isn’t just about working non- stop and getting no help, sometimes you need it. So I don’t agree with this rule and it doesn’t help me at all.
    Rule 10: I agree with number 10. You can’t think a job is just like it is on TV and that’s how life will be. It’s going to be hard and not as fun. This is real helpful; it’s the rule that makes the most sense. TV is just TV… it’s not real and life isn’t going to happen like that.
    Rule 11: I agree with this rule because there is a possibility that you will be working for someone you may have picked on in high school. I don’t feel that this rule is helpful because it’s more of a joke then a real rule. Bill Gates was a nerd who people picked on, and now he is rich and is getting back to all the bullies with that rule.

  39. Rule 1: I agree this rule applies to everyone. You’re not always going to get what you want no matter what. Some people can sometimes get what they want but others may not so that is why life is not fair.

    Rule 2: I agree with this rule because people want you finish it and feel good about it other than cheating and feeling guilty about what you have done. In the world today people take credit for what they didn't do way to easily and if this cont. to happen our future generations will learn the wrong thing and we don't want that.

    Rule 3: This rule is true to everybody because if you rush everything you won’t do as well as you are expected to. Besides being successful right out of high school is vary rare and probably wont happen to you. If you rush everything then things will fall apart for you and it will snowball effect.

    Rule 4: Teachers will help you and walk you through it so you can get it right. Bosses on the other hand will work you to your breaking point and will not help you though the whole thing.

    Rule 5: A job and a opportunity are two different things, a job is something you do to occupy yourself while a opportunity is something you take and cherish it and turn it into a career. In this generation flipping burgers is just a job because those jobs are really easy to get while back in the day it was tough to get even that job.

    Rule 6: If you let your mistakes get to you you will bring everyone around you down because you find your self not trying as hard and it will come and bite you back in the butt

    Rule 7: If you think for yourself you wont go anywhere in life because you aren't or wont help anyone that can possibly help you succeed

    Rule 8:

    Rule 9: While school may be over your life is not so you should FIND yourself during school and after school because you can learn may thing while in and out of school so always look to what you can improve.

    Rule 10: Television is NOT real life. In television they have scrips and everything is planed. But in reality t.v. it is all real and there is no scrips and it is not planed.

    Rule 11: This is so true because you don't know what your future hold, who you will be working for, what you will be doing, where you will end end up, so if you treat people how you want to be treated things may look up to you later in the future.
