Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Today was a packed day. To begin our block day this week, you got back into your groups to finish your jigsaw activity from Tuesday. Today your group went over your individual page summaries and created a paragraph summary of the entire essay. Each group shared their summaries (and turned them in,) and then we went over some key passages from the essay as a class. I gave you a condensed version of the whole essay with three or four important passages from each page...this is important to hang on to, since we will be returning to this essay several times throughout the unit, and you will also find its content on various assessments and quizzes. Click here to download it and keep it handy! And as always, remember our essential questions for this unit (and how Pico Iyer might answer these questions):
How does travel affect the traveler?
How do travelers affect cultures?
What is society's responsibility to the individual, and what is the individual's responsibility to society?

Next, we reviewed some of our vocabulary terms for this unit that we briefly went over on Tuesday: utopia, dytopia, and escapism. After a brief review and discussion, you paired up and created posters composed of images and words you collected from magazines. The images needed to visually express the meanings of these terms. If you did not finish in class, your completed poster is due Monday. Click here for instructions.

The last twenty minutes of class were spent reading the (short) first chapter of The Beach. If you were absent, come and see me BEFORE the long weekend so I can check you out your copy of the novel. You can also email me and I will send you a digital PDF file of the reading from class today so you can get caught up.

For homework, read pages 11-22 by Monday.

Remember: No school Friday, teacher inservice. Also, don't forget your blog assignment! It is due Monday, 9/21 by midnight.

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